Thursday night, we gave our baby girl a bath. Cocoa (that's what we call her) handled it beautifully! Which is great! And a nice change from Rocket and Garret. (Well, mostly Rocket. I come away from Rocket's baths with a clean ferret and scratch marks all up my arms!) We also cut her nails. She didn't hardly even wiggle! It's fabulous! She's so good!
Well, except for the biting. She has yet to really get that DANI AND HAL ARE NOT FERRETS! Ferrets have tough skin. They don't mind if you chomp down on them with your razor sharp teeth. Humans DO MIND!!! She is getting better though, which is all I can ask for, right?
Anyways, I have this thing with humiliating bath photos... 'cause they're cute! So I wanted to share some bath photos... of our ferrets of course! Rocket and Garret's pictures are a few months old, but they're still cute!
Cocoa really is too cute for a humiliating photo!
Not like Rocket... who looks like an embarrassed drowned rat! (I know this looks like a painful grip, but if I support his rear end he starts spazing out and trying to get away! The only way to get him to even resemble holding still for his bath is to grab his chest and dangle the rest of him... Oh well!)
Check me out!!!! For some reason, he likes to look at himself in the mirror when he's wet. He doesn't care to look when he's dry, though... Weird!
Garret likes to sit in the warm water. Alone! No touching!
Drowned rat... Isn't he adorable!?
And I wanted to share a video of them playing together:
If you listen closely, you can her what sounds kind of like a squeaking/clucking noise. That's Cocoa! She's very vocal. It's called "dooking" and it's super cute! They do it when they're happy and having fun. Rocket does it sometimes, but not very often.
They seem to be becoming friends. Hopefully soon they'll be friends enough that they can all sleep together!
ROFL...she just wants someone to play with her! Chicken Boys...stop running! :P
These are pretty funny! I bet they would enjoy taking a bath with Lexi! She splish splashes all over the place! The video is cute have me kind of warming up to ferretts with these pictures and video. But not with the sick post! Ewwww! Hopefully that never happens again!
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