I've been curious, but only today feel inclined to TRY to find out, as to how many people read my blog. Regularly or occasionally.
So, I'm going to try something. If you read this, would you mind letting me know?
Leave a comment! Telling me you read it, just saying your name, if you'd like me to answer some questions in future posts ask me those, or if you'd like me to add you to my "blog link" list, let me know that too!
If you don't know how to leave a comment, I'll explain!
If you don't have a "google/blogger identity" IT'S OK!!! You can still comment on my blog! (Even if you can't comment on some other blogs.)
Here's how: (in very descriptive terms for people like my wonderful Mom, who doesn't know how to comment... or at least didn't before I tried to show her while I was up there... I love you, Mom!)
Right below this post (but before the next one) there's a line that says "Brought to you by Hal and Dani at 4:50 PM" (followed by) "__ Comments"
CLICK ON the "Comments" word.
It will bring up a new screen, which has on the right hand side a box that says "Leave your comment" above it. Click on the box and type what you want to say. Then right below the box, it says (in orange) "choose an identity." If you DON'T have an identity click the "button" in front of "ANONYMOUS". Then click the "Publish your comment button". (Just to be kind, I've copied these instructions to the comments section, too. So if you get there and get lost, just read the first comment!)
Easy cheesy! *BIG SMILE* :)
Thank you for playing along, everyone!!!
This is the right screen!
Click on the box and type what you want to say. Then right below the box, it says (in orange) "choose an identity." If you DON'T have an identity click the "button" in front of "ANONYMOUS". Then click the "Publish your comment button".
Thanks all!
Dani was here! :)
I check on you all the time! I am considering adding you to my blog list so I know when you update, cause lets face it, sometimes its awhile between blogs!
I keep up on you and Hal. We love Hal and his family. My hubby was the bishop in Blackfoot :)
Hey Dani-I'm always checkin up on ya. I was hoping to see you at sheenas wedding reception but you guys left just before I got there.
so, yes I occasionally check your blog, about monthly, same as my e-mail. Do you remember how to call home and say hi to Mom?
Hey Dani, I check on you, and I love reading about life in the land of ferrets and floods! love ya Deanne
I check your blog WEEKLY and wonder where the updates are. hmmmmm
Of course I read your blog!!!
OMG! I'm behind...but I DO read your blog! Now, if I could only publish all my posts waiting for pics on MY blog...lol
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