Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Once again, I don't really have much to say again...
It's raining... again. No it does not always rain, but when it's not raining it's "hotter 'n hell" and that's not exciting!

Here's a fun thing! I took Cocoa outside to play (for the first time EVER in her short little life) yesterday in the rain. She loved it! Ferrets are adorable when they're discovering new things! She kept running her nose through the grass feeling/sniffing and just having fun! She was SOOO wet! She found a worm and mud and weeds and a giant puddle (that strangely enough she felt inclined to walk through. Whatever!) and lots of wet grass! It was too cute! She was so dirty when she was done.

And then, me being the meanie I am, I gave her a bath. AND didn't take Rocket and Garrett outside, too. I think they felt slighted.
I just hope she didn't "catch" chiggers! Whatever they are!


Michelle Bell said...

Hey! Your ferrets are so cute! I tagged you-6 quirks!

Lancaster's said...

I think that would be so fun to do with a ferret! I bet it was just SO funny to watch! BUT...where's the picture?? :P

Oh, and I too tagged you..hehe..Go check out my blog for details!

Bradbury Bunch said...

Where was your camera???? We want to see cocoa all dirty!! How fun, I bet Lexi would love to get dirty with her!!

Anonymous said...

Angela wants to know if your ferrets can charm the geckoes off of the wall like her cats can.

Anonymous said...

ok I still don't quite have it, I', not anonymous I'm Mom