Saturday, November 22, 2008


We're moving!

To Houston!

Hal has been offered a job as a design engineer with Oil States in Houston, TX. And he/we have taken it. So, we're going to be moving to Houston! It sounds like it will be an awesome job, actually designing things! (Which is good!) We're excited!

He starts next week...

So, I guess that means we're going to try to sell our house in Wichita Falls, and head on off to Houston! Well, we're heading off to Houston either way, so hopefully it'll sell! Whew!


Michelle Bell said...

Hey congratulations! That sounds like good news. Are you sad or excited to leave the house after doing so much work on it? By the way I was checking out Hal's latest photos from the zoo and they are really neat! Now I want to take my new camera to the zoo too! Good luck with the moving!

Kathy said...

Congratulations!!! I'll bet with all the work you two have done on your house it'll sell in a heartbeat.

Lila said...

Wow - moving sounds like a lot of work... that's great that David could come help. You should swing by when you are up for Christmas, I'd love to see you!