Monday, February 25, 2008

Sharing Time!

Hi everyone!
Welcome to my sharing time!
OK, so today I'm going to tell you about some of the things we've found in our house!
If you have a sensitive stomach, this may not be for you...

You can really see a lot more detail in all of the pictures if you click on them, but especially the first and last ones!

To start of with, is my friend Bozo: I found him on the kitchen cupboard one morning.
He's sitting by a dime, and his head is pointing downwards. Cool red face on his bum, huh? I have no idea what kind of spider he is! Anyone?
He's fuzzy! At least, it looks like fuzz, I didn't touch him.
I think that I also have ones with white faces on their bums. (They were in the window tracks when I was cleaning house...)

This is what the inside of my kitchen pantry had in it: "Bug gunk!"
(Well, to be fair, it was in a couple other closets, too. But the kitchen was the worst one. )

This is what all of the corners looked like. (This was the worst corner, though!)

How do bugs (most likely roaches) poop on the ceiling?

This is what the entire garage floor looked like:
One of the previous inhabitants kept their dog in there. (The same one who made the dog run, perhaps?) They put down newspaper, which got peed on, and then very firmly stuck to the floor, along with hair and lint, and all that. And they didn't clean it up! Talk about rude!
This is the place where my dryer goes, see the vent and electrical outlet?

This is our favorite: Yummy!
I'm not sure I should tell you where we found this, but... I will!
This was in our furnace blower. We took off the air intake and scraped this out of it.
This was after Hal changed the air filter, which was old enough it pretty much fell apart as he pulled it out (Sorry I don't have a picture of it! It was gross, too!)
And after he shoved the insulation back up into the wall (above the air intake vent) so it would stop being "intaked" into our furnace and pumped out for us to breathe in!
What a delightful thing!

I just want to assure you all: things no longer look like this! We have since cleaned all these yucky areas! And hopefully we won't be finding any more! EEWWW!!!!
And these are the grossest things from the whole house, so I don't think I have anything else to share.

And that concludes my sharing time today. Thanks for coming!


Bradbury Bunch said...

I don't think I would've been able to sleep at night if I found that spider in any room of the house! YIKES! I'm glad the mess is all cleaned up, and sorry you had to go through with it all! You and Hall will definitely have to give us some tips on what to look for when buying a house!! (Hopefully we'll be looking soon!!) Enjoy your clean, bug-free house!!!!

Anonymous said...

eeeewwwwww!!! Dani I have goose bumps from those pics. I am so sorry you had nasty people there before you. I too will be seeking house buying tips from you! xoxo lac

Chandra said...

Ok, I'm back from vomiting in the toilet. So, me and Tanner think that the spider is a black widow and they are soooooo deadly!!!! KILL ITTTT!!! You are so very brave!!!!

Lancaster's said...

OMG! OMG! OMG! (cough) (Cough) (vomit) (cough) ....I personally think the last was the worst...are you both healthy after breathing that stuff? Maybe it's time for check-ups!