Monday, March 24, 2008


I didn't know what to blog about, so I've decided to do my "tags" that I've gotten from Nickie and Chan.

5 Things about Me:
5 things I was doing 10 years ago...
1. Going to 7th grade, running track and being a dork.
2. Nursing a huge crush on Seth Woolstenhulme, the cutest, goofiest, most wonderfully obnoxious guy in like the whole class! I had a crush on Seth for practically FOREVER!!! I wonder if he ever knew I liked him?
3. Helping take care of my 6 month old adorable little brother, Jake.
4. Dreaming about going to Girl's Camp, which I loved! Days of being away from home, with lots of other girls, hiking, cooking, and having fun... With no brothers to tease me for days and days... Wahoo!!!
5. Trying to convince Dad and Grandpa to let me move pipe. For better or worse, I won!

5 things I was doing 5 years ago...
1. Getting ready to graduate High School. Finally!!!
2. Giving up running… that was really hard, but too painful to continue doing it...
This might sound really bad, and I mean no disrespect…
3. Pretending to be God. I ran the lights for almost everything that happened in “my auditorium” for High School. By the end of it all, I was getting pretty obnoxious! (I was egged on by the drama teacher, Mr. Squires!) I loved having the room be full of drama kids practicing their play, or random community people irritating me, and they would get out of control and stop listening or I’d just want to get their attention… so I’d turn off all the lights. Instantly. With no warning. And then when they all shut up and stopped falling and crashing into stuff, I had their complete attention for whatever I wanted. Amazing what people will do when they want to be able to see again! I used to say “God said let there be light … and there was light!” And there would be light! It was super fun!! Best part of all of High School.
4. Dreaming about moving far far away from home... I moved clear to Pocatello. (2 hours away) Wahoo! Not quite what I had in mind, but…
5. Trying to figure out what to do with my life. Did I want to be a radiological technician? An accountant? A psychologist? A teacher? And five years later, I still don’t know!

5 things I would do if I became a millionaire (or billionaire, if you prefer)...
1. Purchase a bigger, more exactly perfect house for me, and like everyone I know and love... Or maybe I’d build it.
2. Buy a zoo, so I could go for free anytime I wanted and go play with my pets! I want a giraffe, penguins, a baby elephant, turtles, baby alligators, giant fishes, an octopus, a whole bunch of cute cats (maybe some lions, tigers, lynx, ...), some manatees, dolphins, cute whale/shark things, pine martens, hedgehogs, frogs, a whole army of ferrets, etc, etc, etc... And NO birds or snakes!
3. Invest some. To make more money.
4. Travel. A lot. We'd never really work again.
5. I'd probably give some of it away, so I didn't feel completely selfish. But who knows?

5 jobs I've had...
1. Babysat. A lot!
2. Moved pipe and drove equipment on our farm.
3. Nanny at Jenny Lake.
4. TML (Teton Mountain Lodge).
5. Fitness, Inc.

5 snacks I enjoy...
What don't I enjoy?!?!
1. Cheetos
2. Ice Cream (most kinds)
3. Chocolate!!!
4. Mountain Dew & Dr. Pepper
5. Cheese (I know it's a little different, but I adore medium cheddar cheese. I eat it by the brick, practically!)

5 places I've lived...
1. Victor, ID
2. Driggs, ID
3. Pocatello, ID
4. Wichita Falls, TX
5. .... Maybe California someday...

5 things I did yesterday...
Yesterday was a bad day… I cried. (And cried and cried and cried…)
But on Saturday:
1. I got to go help one of my Laurels with her Easter Egg hunt! (It was a Personal Progress project.)
2. I had a headache, slightly worse than usual.
3. I went grocery shopping.
4. I played with my ferrets.
5. We went to the Anderson's house and Hal played X-Box with Rob (Rob’s the Scoutmaster, and Hal’s the assistant) and two of the deacons. And I hung out with Athena, who was making a chair out of cardboard that could support a two hundred pound man for her interior design class.

5 things I hate doing...
1. Cooking
2. Washing dishes... they never end!
3. Cleaning gross stuff!!!
4. Teaching lessons... My Laurels know more than me, I swear!
5. Watching scary movies

5 biggest joys of the moment...
1. Buying neat things for my house.
2. Playing with my ferrets.
3. Collecting patterns for ANYTHING! (cooking, sewing, crochet, decorating...)
4. Organizing my clutter. (It’s a little weird, but I love to re-organize stuff! Not that I actually keep it in it’s spot, but I like to rearrange!)
5. Eating french fries in fry sauce. People find it a little weird here that we ask for mayo (to make fry sauce!) and then mix it with ketchup. But yum!!!

5 things on my to-do list...
1. Get all of my boxes unpacked or stored, IN AN ORGANIZED FASHION!
2. Replace our windows.
3. Get a job.
4. Get a kitten... and a frog... and a turtle... and more ferrets... and fish... and...
5. Cook more often.

5 habits…
1. I don't finish projects I've started... I mean to, I just don't seem to get them done!
2. Procrastinate 'til it's too late to do anything about it. I'm really good!
3. I chew my fingernails.
4. Getting headaches! Could that be a considered a habit?
5. Mid-day naps! They’re the best! I don’t take one every day, but usually a couple times a week!

5 Things people don't know about me...

1. I'm afraid of the dark.
2. I'm TERRIFIED of parrots. And ostriches. And emus. And chickens. (most birds) I have no idea why. It's completely irrational! They have evil eyes...
3. Cheese is my favorite thing to eat. (I think... most days.)
4. I have to color organize my food before I can eat it. I have to have the same amount of each color!
For example: with skittles, I have to dump the whole bag out, and organize them according to color. (red, purple, green, yellow, orange) Then I can set aside the same number of each color, decided by whichever color has the fewest, (I usually put them in the bag) to eat later. Then I match up the remaining, placing those in a different place. When I’m done, I have the “fives,” and the “fours,” and the “threes,” and there are 2 colors left, these are called “leftovers.” I don’t have to match up these. I can just eat them. So, I eat the leftovers, then the threes, then fours, then fives. Wow, huh?!
5. I have a very passive aggressive nature. I don’t confront problems. I avoid them. And then lash out later, when they’re least expecting it…

Lovebird Tag...
WHAT IS HIS NAME: Hal Bjorkman Bradbury

HOW LONG HAVE YOU BEEN MARRIED: 2 years, 4 months.

HOW LONG DID WE DATE: 10 months before we were engaged, 13 months before we were married.
WHO SAID I LOVE YOU FIRST: I did. But he wasn’t supposed to hear me whisper it! I thought he was asleep. He wasn’t.
WHO IS TALLER: Hal! By a foot!

WHO SINGS BETTER: Hal! He has a beautiful voice!

WHO'S SMARTER: Hal! He’s got the brains of the family. I always thought I was smart, until I met Hal! He makes me feel like a complete idiot sometimes!
WHO PAYS THE BILLS: Both of us do. I claim the auto-draft stuff! (Well, I set it up!) Hal does the mortgage. And I try to do the rest. Hal makes sure I don’t forget.

WHO SLEEPS ON THE RIGHT SIDE OF THE BED: Hal used to, but now I do. We just turned the bed, and I like to sleep by the wall, so we switched!

WHO MOWS THE LAWN: I do. I like Hal too much to want to kill him!
WHO COOKS DINNER: If we cook anything, usually me. But Hal does sometimes, too.
WHO DRIVES: Hal does. I prefer it if he drives when we’re together. He secretly does, too. I make him nervous.

WHO'S MORE STUBBORN: I have no idea! I don’t think either of us is less stubborn! We’re both awful about different things.


WHO ASKED OUT WHO FIRST: He did, sort of. Me and my roommates had been hanging out with him and his roommates playing pinochle. One of his roommates invited me to come over and watch a movie with them one night, and I said I’d come after I was done with this thing (it was some play thing, I was helping with lights) at the institute. It ran a little longer than it was supposed to, and Hal called and asked if I was coming. I told him I was planning on it, but we still weren’t done with the play. He told me he’d really like me to come and they’d wait for me. That was our first thing I’d consider a date.

WHO PROPOSED: Hal did. We were sitting in a hammock he made, in the backyard of his parents house… It was really cute!

WHO HAS MORE SIBLINGS: We have the same! I am 3 of 7 (I have 5 brothers, 1 sister). Hal is 4 of 7 (he has 3 of each). W
HO WEARS THE PANTS: Hal does! I prefer it that way. I'm not good with decision making... I avoid them at all costs! So Hal takes charge and is the boss. Thanks Honey!

ABC's about me!!!
A-Attached or single: Attached!
B- Best Friend: Hmmm… Hal!
C- Cake or Pie: Tough one!!! Umm… Pie?
D- Day of choice: Saturday! It’s a fun day!
E- Essential Item: My toothbrush! I brush my teeth like 4 times a day! I can’t stand it when I can taste food! Yuck!
F- Favorite Color: Depends. Sometimes it’s lime green, sometimes it’s hot pink, sometimes it’s black!
G- Gummy Bears or Worms: Worms! I like to eat them one section at a time!
H- Hometown: Victor, ID.
I- Indulgence(s): I drink Mountain Dew! It’s the yummiest! And eat chocolate on a regular basis! Bubble baths!
J- January or July: Usually July. But now that I’m in Texas, I might change my mind to January!
K- Kid(s): Not of the human variety!
L- Life is Incomplete Without: Animals! And hugs on a regular basis.
M- Marriage Date: Nov 12th, 2005.
N- Number of Siblings: Biologically: Seven, 5 brothers and 1 sister. But I’ve gained more! Now I’ve got 10 siblings in law! 4 brothers and 6 sisters! Yay for family!
O- Oranges or Apples: Oranges if they’re in season and yummy, if not, apples!
P- Phobias or Fears: Spiders, snakes, birds with evil eyes, the dark, losing people I love, and big scary barky dogs.
Q- Quote(s): I like to say “Ta Da!” And I’m sure I’ve got quotes, I just can’t think of any right now!
R- Reason To Smile: Life is good! And I’ve got adorable critters!!! They’re the cutest ferrets ever!!!
S- Season: I love spring! The world turns green and the birds go nuts!
T- Tag Three +: anybody who wants to do it can, but I don’t know that more than 4 people read my blog, and one of them tagged me!
U- Unknown Fact About Me: I have red toenails today!
V- Vegetarian or Meat Eater: Meat eater. I hate the fatty bits of meat—it’s so yuck!!!, but if it’s finely ground up (like hamburger) I can eat it.
W- Worst Habit: I never call people back. I always mean to, I just… don’t. So if you’re waiting for more than like a day for me to return a phone call: Call again!
X-Rays or Ultrasounds: I’ve never had an ultrasound, but it sounds neat! And I like x-rays! They’re fun!
Y- Your Favorite Food: Junk. There! Covers everything!!!
Really, I like mushrooms. I love almost anything that has mushrooms in it! Z- Zodiac: Gemini

Well, That's it! I hope ya'll have a great week!


Bradbury Bunch said...

YEA FOR TAGS...I MEAN HOORAY FOR TAGS! :) Thanks for doing all these...It was fun for me to learn all these things about my awesome sista!! You're great Dani!!

Chandra said...

Yay! Loved it! You're the cutest!

Lancaster's said...

I love all the infor Dani...good job on catching up!!