Lacey had this on her blog and she said I had to do it too. So here goes...
44 ODD Things about you! Learn 44 things about your friends!Let them learn 44 things about you!
1. Do you like blue cheese? EWWW!!! It's very disgusting!
2. Have you ever smoked heroin? Never
3. Do you own a gun? Nope
4. What flavor do you add to your drink at Sonic'? Lime
5. Do you get nervous before doctor appointments? Always! But I usually only go the the doctor if something's wrong, so its OK!
6. What do you think of hot dogs? I like them. Usually. For some reason, I like cheap ones better than the more expensive ones. (Like Bar-S vs Ballpark)
7. Favorite Christmas song? Um... Rudolph is the one that goes thru my head all season... but I love Silent Night.
8. What do you prefer to drink in the morning? Water
9. Can you do push ups? Some... not as many as I used to be able to!
10. What's your favorite piece of jewelry? I like earrings.
11. Favorite hobby? Gaming
12. Do you have A.D.D.? Probably, but nobody ever told me I did!
13. What's one trait that you hate about yourself? I'm very rude and have a smart mouth...
14. Middle name? Marie
15. Name 3 thoughts at this exact moment.
What am I going to have for lunch?
I want to sleep.
My head hurts, and my gut, and my knees... this sucks!
16. Name 3 drinks you regularly drink? Water, milk, Mountain Dew
17. Current worry right now? I need to get a job. But I don't wanna!
18. Current hate right now? Everything. Bad day.
19. Favorite place to be? At home.
20. How did you bring in the New Year? I got a killer headache, that lasted 10 days.
21. How old are you? 22
22. Name three people who will complete this? ?, ?, ?.
23. Do you own slippers? 3 pairs. Yellow ones, paw print ones, and star ones.
24. What color shirt are you wearing? I'm in my underwear, so white.
25. Do you like sleeping on satin sheets? Yes! Well, until my blankets slide off onto the floor. I have to be covered by something!
26. Can you whistle? Sort of.
27. Favorite color? Bright green.
28. Would you be a pirate? Only if I can be a VeggieTales pirate.
29. What songs do you sing in the shower? Silly Songs with Larry... The monkey song, Pirates who don't do anything, Love My Lips, Barbara Manatee...
30. Favorite girl's name? Elizabeth & Annabell
31. Favorite boy's name? Michael & William
32. What's in your pocket right now? Nothing. I just put on clean pants and haven't re-loaded yet.
32. Last thing that made you laugh? Rocket and Garret.
33. Best bed sheets as a child? I had these flannel ones, that combined with my flannel nightgown made the best lightning!!!
34. Worst injury you've ever had? Do migraines count as an injury? If not then getting my chin split open.
35. Do you love where you live? It's OK.
36. How many TVs do you have in your house? one
37. Who is your loudest friend? Me!
38. What is your favorite game to play? Right now I'm addicted to Sims...
39. Does someone have a crush on you? Hopefully.
40. What is your favorite book? I love you, Stinky Face!
41. What is your favorite candy? Skittles, unless I want chocolate, and then it changes...
42. Favorite Sports Team? I don't watch sports.
43. What were you doing 12 AM last night? sleeping.
44. What was the first thing you thought of when you woke up? When is it (time wise)?
Thanks Lacey! That was kinda fun! :)
You are so funny! I miss you commenting on my blog, I check everyday for new comments. Have you been having headaches lately and have not beed blogging, or just nothing to comment on?
When are you coming to see us again? We miss you.
This was sure a fun read for me! I hope your headaches go away--NOT FUN! And your new picture in your headline scared me at first! :) I was expecting to see you and Hal! You're always full of surprises!! :) Love ya!
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