Monday, May 12, 2008

New "family members"...

Hi all!
So I don't want to blow your mind, but I caught a new pet!!! (Well, several, but I let some go.)

Here's the story (stories): I was at work (I have a job!) at the nursery (where I work temporarily - up to 4 weeks) watering plants, and we have toads! Big ol' ugly brown warty toads.

I was kind of bored one morning, so I decided to try my luck at catching a toad! (I'd never caught a frog before, but Hal said the worst they can do is pee on you, so... why not?!) I caught one! I snuck up all sneaky like, and just caught him! But he was ugly so I let him go.

Later, I was telling one of the other girls that I work with that I'd really like to see a green frog, not just these ugly old brown toads...

Then the next day we were watering plants and she walked over to me and said "come see what I found" very calm like. So I put down my hose and followed her to... a frog! A bright lime green frog! I caught him! And one of the owners of the nursery helped me find a container to put him in to take him home... and here he is! He's kind of changed colors since I brought him home. He's not quite as bright. I think I might have something to do with the fact that my house isn't as humid or hot as the greenhouse was...
Can you see his goosebumps? (I know it's just his skin, but it looks like he's cold, doesn't it?)

Later the same day, I was watering some other flowers and came across some caterpillars on some of the plants. Now, I figured we probably don't want to sell bug eaten flowers... call me crazy... so I picked off the caterpillars and put them in a container. One of the managers saw me and told me to just squish them, but I couldn't! They were too cute and green! I caught 4 caterpillars -- one of them was like 3 1/2 or 4 inches long and hugely fat!

So, I brought home my frog and my caterpillars. I turned all but one of the smaller (it's like 1 1/2 inches long) caterpillars loose on my neighbor's tree that's growing over my fence. (I hope they eat the whole thing!!!) And made homes for Froggie (I couldn't pick a good frog name, so that's it for now...) and Izzy the Caterpillar.
Izzy doesn't seem to be eating well in captivity, so I may have to release her... I hope not! I've always liked caterpillars!Have you ever looked under a caterpillar? They've got the coolest little suction feet and neat teeth, too!

Aren't they cute?! No offense taken if you don't think so...
I do think they are cuter than Penny was, though...
What can I say? We collect weird animals.

I'm hoping to catch another frog while I'm at the nursery. Anybody have name suggestions?

... and I have no idea why I decided the caterpillar's a girl and the frog's a boy... they just are!


Bradbury Bunch said...

Welcome to the family Froggie and Izzy!! Those are the kind of pets I like!!

Your job sounds fun! Maybe you can teach me one or two things about flowers sometime...when I have some space to grow some!! LOVE YA!

Lacey Allen said...

I used to have a stuffed frog and we named him Ribbit. I know it is not very original, but it was cute and it stuck. That is my vote. Ribbit!