Thursday, January 28, 2010


I am sooo mad!

A few weeks ago, our car started making a noise while we were driving it. It a thudding noise. So, we took it in to get it fixed. They decided that the noise was coming from a bearing. So they replaced the bearing. And once the got the bearing out, they decided they needed to replace the hub. So they did that too. A few days later, we had a car back.

And it still made noise. So, we took it back in. They claim two things: First that they could hear something, but couldn't figure out what it was. (Okay, is it coming from the wheel you just messed around with? Yes? Please fix it!) Second: That even though they couldn't hear anything, they replaced the bearing they'd just replaced again. (Does that even make any sense? If you can't hear the noise we're talking about, why just re-do what you just did? Obviously you suspected something!) So, we got the car back again.

Yesterday, Hal came home from work (it's a fairly long drive, somewhere just over 20 miles, or about 30 minutes) and announced our car now sounds like a podracer. From Star Wars. You know, the ones Anakin drives. They go whub whub whub-whub-whub faster and faster and change pitch...

It was bad. And kind of scary! It sounded and FELT like the wheels were just going to jump off the car! Talk about frightening!
So, I took it in to try to get it fixed today. I took it to a different shop, 'cause obviously the first guys are morons. Side note: I do understand that sometimes you do get a fluky part, but do you have to come up with multiple stories to explain what happened? Just tell me the truth! Either you hear something, or you don't. Either you can fix it, or you just can't and I'll take it somewhere else!
The guy I took it to (who was a very nice man) asked me to explain what's going on, so I started at the beginning. And told him how it was making a noise, we took it in to some place (yes, I told him which place) and they replaced the bearings, then it was making noise again, and they replaced the bearings again "just in case we got a bad one", and now it's making the noise again - worse than last time. So, we went for a little drive and he told me that noise... is a bearing noise. He doesn't think our bearings are installed correctly.
He recommended that I take our car back to the place that did the bearings before, and have them hear the noise. And give them 2 choices: Either they can actually fix it this time, or they give us our money back. While he would love to fix it for us, he doesn't want me to have to pay both places for our bearings to be fixed. (Nice guy, huh?)
So, I did that. The moron guy says "Well, I'll be able to fix it this time, I can actually hear the noise." I was like "did you not hear it the first time? This is the same noise, just maybe a little louder." He's like "nyump." Not sure what that means, but I'll give the moron one more chance. I doubt I'll get my money back without a huge fight, and while I am mad, I don't relish the thought of fighting with these fellows.
However, next week, when it's making this noise again... I may just go a bit nutty on these guys.

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