Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Another yuck!

As a little note, I finally got the rest of our pictures from Christmas sorted through and put up! Whew!
We did have a wonderful time with our families! See you all another time! :)

Onto this other yuck...
The other morning, (according to the data in the camera, it was April 5th) Hal went to go out the door to go to work. And came back in asking me for a stick. I'm like "what?" But I got him a broom and asked him what he was upto. He opened the door to show me this giant spider web stretched across our front walkway. On our porch was a huge spiderweb! And all I could think was with web, comes spider! And that's one big web!
No this isn't a real picture of the web, but the green lines are an approximation of what the web looked like, size-wise. The color is probably wrong, since I'm pretty sure the web wasn't fluorescent green.

Anyways, I turned and ran back in for the Raid. I was thinking that as Hal gathered up the web onto the stick, the spider would probably be nearby and we would see it and could spray it with the bug killer spray. What I wasn't counting on was quite how large and vicious looking this spider would be! The instant Hal started disconnecting the web from the posts - which broke with a small pop sound, kind of like snapping thread does - the spider dropped. I shot at it with the Raid and missed. It dropped to the ground, and then I had to find it! Luckily it was just right there and not a hard search, and I drowned the poor sucker in poison...
Then after it was sufficiently poisoned, I got the camera for Hal, and he tried to take a couple of pictures, but he was already late for work. After Hal went off to work, I got back out the camera, and got a couple of sticks to try and pose the spider with. That bugger was still alive and wiggly! So I poisoned it again. Maybe overkill, he was probably in the last moments of dying, but I don't take chances with ugly spiders. After he's stopped wiggling, I took this picture of him...
Isn't he ferocious looking?! I swear they always look bigger when they're alive and wiggly, too!
Ugh! Spiders!
Anybody know if this bugger would have killed us if he'd managed to lure us into his web? ;)

We think he liked our front door because the mosquito hawks (apparently also known as a crane fly) swarm our front door at night. Mosquito hawks look like great big mosquitoes, but they're not mosquitoes. They don't drink blood (although I've been told --falsely, I might add-- that they eat mosquitoes). According to Wikipedia, they apparently eat nectar "if they eat at all." While they're not harmful, they really are irritating to me (and they creep me out), so I'd be happy to have the spider eat them, but NOT ON THE FRONT OF MY HOUSE!!!

Ugh! Spiders!


Maria Ricks said...

Ewww.. gross!!! That spider is so scary looking and big! Nice picture of it.

JenChiz said...

Jerry doesn't think it is poisonous but it would probably still hurt if it bit you!

Bradbury Bunch said...

Okay....having the heeby jeeby's over here!! EW!

Good thing Hal SAW the web before walking smack into it! We've done that before over here coming home late at night--walked right into a web! Grossest thing that I've ever done!! Good thing you had some Raid on hand!!!

I like the web illustration you did by the way! Way to give us the full detail!!! I hope you killed the last one!! Ewwwwww.....