Monday, June 2, 2008


I'm done working at the nursery watering plants now. I'm waiting my next assignment! (I'm working as a temp for Manpower.)

Texas is so much hotter than I was expecting! In a greenhouse especially!
I was working in a greenhouse watering plants. I'd walk around all day turning on hoses, watering flowers, turning off hoses, rearranging the plants on their display tables, re-stocking plants as needed. On a typical day, it'd be about 90 degrees outside by 10 AM... and 100 degrees in the greenhouse. IT WOULD JUST KEEP GETTING HOTTER!!! The hottest I ever checked it at was about 109 degrees. And the humidity is like 70-90%, and there's absolutely no breeze... I don't recommend working inside a greenhouse in the summer in Texas... Unless you don't "feel the heat" like some of the other workers said. "It doesn't bother me I don't feel the heat." What? How can you not feel that?!

I decided that I couldn't really handle the heat, and I told them so. When they told me Thursday that Friday would be my last day. I was ecstatic!

Friday was a good day... mostly. It was killer hot, I'd been drinking water all day (I was on my 2nd gallon by 4:00)... Are you sensing a story here?

We were told at about 4 that we could go inside the air conditioned building (yeah, they had to give us permission for that) and sit down for about 10 minutes. Well, I got off at 4:20, so they told me finish up what we're doing out here, and then you can take off a little bit early, instead of taking a break. So, I was working hard moving plants around, feeling hot and sweaty and yucky... I was just moving the last pots to the table...

And then it was like my body went nuts! My hands started shaking, I really started pouring sweat, I got really lightheaded and dizzy, and nauseated. I stumbled inside and collapsed on a chair. And my supervisor said "you don't look so good." I'm like "Really? I don't feel so good, either." So, once I'd cooled off a little, they sent me home. Where I took a cold shower and got muscle cramps-- horrible ones-- in my legs.

I think I got heat exhaustion at the very end of my last day working in horrible heat for 3 weeks. Where's the fairness?!


Lancaster's said...

LOL...It does take some time to get used to the heat. It never really bothered me (I know...I'm one of "those" people). So glad your feeling better and the job is over!

Bradbury Bunch said...

So sorry to hear about the heat exhaustion! I'm just glad it's over!! I'm not ready for the humidity to hit us! It's going to happen ANY day now! Right now i'm just enjoying the cool nights....I LOVE SLEEPING WITH THE WINDOW OPENED!